Sunday, September 06, 2009

An Argument on Arguments

I have a new colleague who sits just opposite to me and the office arrangement is such that I will have to look into his face if I move my head from my laptop.

He generally seems to be happy to have arguments and I am happy at least that he accepts if he is wrong.

so this was one such argument actually about Argument itself as I commented him that one of them in the argument is always ignorant. As usual he challenged and wanted me to explain how could I ever make such a statement.

So I started explaining of why an argument should arise in first place:-
1. One does not want to listen what you have to say
2. He does not understand

So, my colleague was happy so far but he did not give up. He said yes, you are right but it does not means that one if ignorant at all times as the other might have something really worth while experience the thrid reason of why there should be an argument.

3. He pulls out his past experience to conclude that he does not want to accept the conclusion and hence the argument. And he probably belives strongly and hence argues

4. May be he has a valid argument probably an alternate way of doing things

and also stated that may be out of argument we get a different option :-)

I felt yap, probably he is true.

Well, to conclude i accepted as I felt what he said made sense to me.