Friday, November 24, 2006

My First Boss

My very first company is a very small one just with 10 resources. It was a product based company at the beginning and we were working hard, I mean really hard.... as the company is new and resources are also new. There was no experienced person except my first technical manager. He looked more like a senior but he is from US and so he works in the night with his laptop in our office and sleeps in the day (reception sofa!)

This guys is too technical you don’t know when he will make you work, We generally leave the office by 7:30pm but just then he will pop in and say guys lets go to dinner - you know we were all young bachelors and anyway most of us were from out side the state and if somebody is ready to feed you free of cost just stick to him. So, we said O that's a good idea. He would then take us to any hotel that was not less than a *** and feed us with what ever we want.

Since we had a good dinner, he will say come lets work for some time, we have already lost 3hrs in this hotel ordering, waiting and eating the food. Since we ate free of cost, we accepted to work long hours... That started a trend in the company where by default it was expected that we should not leave anywhere before 12pm but you should be in office by 8:00 AM.

The time passed and the hotel range came down from anything not less than 3 stars to anything that is on the road side. In the local language its called 'tattu kada' in my place we use to call them as 'kai yenthi bhavan.

It so happened we grew better to reject his invitation but he never accepted as it was too late for us to change the behaviour. And when ever he invited us we had to work whole of the night!

Lesson: Accept invitations but not repeated invitations that too from your boss!

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