Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The More Ridicules The More it Sticks…

Not sure how many of you were fortunate to have nick names.
Generally the nick names are created based on some funny incidents or events, characteristics, mannerism, place from where they come from etc.

Generally nick names stick for some time say within a small group; the more ridiculous they are the more it sticks to that person. As time passes, people even forget their original names and the nick names become the person’s identity.

Thought the incidents that give rise to the nick names may be all the more funny, they help remember the person and give an ever lasting memory of the person in our mind.

A peculiar characteristic I have come noticed is they rhyme in nature.
like Quarter Govindan
Bike Bala
Problem Prema

Even after a decade I still remember many of my school and college mates with their nick names but unfortunately I have forgotten their original names and faces too.

To name a few
Quarter – This chap was always use his pocket money to buy a quarter bottle of hot drinks and hence his name.

Issss…. – O holy god, this is the name of our maths teacher and he had a manarism of sounding like a snake issssss…… before and after he starts a sentence

Satti / Sat – because his head was like a vessel

Brit Billu – O, this is one of my junior, seems he was prised for looking like a film hero and his friends gave him the name Billu, not sure on the exacts but I added Brit as he is in Great Britain now !

Kokila – this is a male because he was in love with the girl Kokila his name became that. Not sure if he married her.

The one I can ever forget is

Monthly Pig Madhavan – Well, this is a funny incident that happened during my school days. There was fight between two so called gang leaders and out came the name for one of those folks. When the teacher asked them he told that the other chap has cursed him to become a pig during start of every month – God knows why? From then on he became to be known as Monthly Pig and people forgot his real name Madhavan.

These names are also used in many films like
Loduku pandi,
Patta kathi bhairavan
Jambazar jaggu
Adae adae manohar

And the list goes on.....
Do you have any nick names that you would like to share with me?


Unknown said...


Nice light read after heavy management subjects and theological areas of interest! :)

I used to be such a clumsy guy (well, I am as well). People started calling me 'Pakki' and later it became 'paks'!

And 'Satti' is what I called Asruf when he joined the team in Chennai ... I became the person who calls someone as 'Satti' and hence satti myself. What a tragedy ...


Joe said...

hahaha... Jagan, ppl will never volunteer their nicknames (Vinayak is an exception!!)

Unknown said...

Amam Joe ... was speaking to Jagan yesterday. He didnt mean my 'Satti' it seems :( நானா தான் நாறீட்டேனோ?
Waise, I told you I am a clumsy guy! Utterly honest!


Jagan said...

Thanks Vinayak,
Thanks Joe for your comments

Ya they generally dot disclose but at times they become it becomes their identity and hence forced to accept the nick name as their name like 'nizalgal' Ravi, 'Yar'kannan.

Of course I didnt mean Vinayak but you can share it if you feel funny about who knows you might become famous aswell.

PL said...

:-) A jolly topic makes me to start with a smiley.... collection of names wil be reused in our house..
Some of the names will go in live..
continue with this funny picks..

Jagan said...

thanks muthu, sure, i will try to pick some topics like that...

Anonymous said...

Jagan you missed out on your junior's other nick name..Mandy (i think you know the history..the password started with nandy, then mandy for the next month when his friends eventually came to know..i hope he doesnt come to the first alphabet..)

nice the way do you want to know your nickname :-)

Jagan said...

Thanks Stephen for your comment. I knew the names Mandy, Candy but was not sure on the history of those names. Hence just went with Brit Billu.

Sure I would love to know but prefered to know in person.